A life on the road with the Nipper Single

Have you ever thought about selling up, packing up all of your worldly belongings and hitting the road? This is exactly what Jennifer and her husband decided to do, along with their young son. With a love of travel in common, a motor home was purchased and the journey began.
Travelling at the best of times with a little one (or 2 or 3 or 4...) can be challenging ensuring you have packed everything you need. From the small essentials to nappies, wipes & food to the larger essentials such as a carseat and buggy. These items may be required to fit in with your lifestyle, from fitting in the car boot (or in this case a motor home) to being reliable and handling the terrain you may face.
Travel as they grow is a blog Jennifer and her husband have put together to document their travels and review items they are using on the way. The buggy of choice to take on their travels was the Nipper Single V4, which Jennifer has reviewed- 'I really love its ability to be versatile in all terrains, and how smooth it is to push. You never need to put much effort in to get from A to B, and that's exactly what you need as a parent!' You can read the full review here.