Nipper Single review

Country Pages Nipper Single

by Country Pages

The Out'n'About Nipper is without a doubt the best pram for pushing on all terrain. In fact, we wouldn't have navigated lockdown so well without it. I feel like this should be a public service announcement to all country dwelling parents.

I suppose I should begin by saying this review is in no way affiliated to Out'n'About, they haven’t paid me to write this post or hashtag gifted it to us to use. I’m writing about it because I love our Out'n'About Nipper Single and it has been absolutely brilliant for our life in the country.

Country Pages Nipper Single on the beach

Before I became a mum, I wasn’t aware of the pushchair brand Out'n'About. We visited John Lewis when I was pregnant and looked at all of the usual popular brands.

Best pram for walking off road

We eventually settled on a Bugaboo Cameleon, and it was great, perfect for lifting in and out of the car and popping to the shops with. It wasn't until I met with a friend to walk around a particularly bumpy field, and she had an Out'n'About Nipper Single, that I discovered how easy it was to push off-road. She glided through the rough terrain with ease in case you're wondering, whereas my wheels kept getting stuck.

I'd seen the "Out'n'About" at various equestrian and countryside events but had never seen one in a showroom to push. I didn't quite fancy asking a random stranger if I could test drive their pushchair, though was tempted at times.

Best all terrain & running pram

So my friend gave me a test drive of her Out'n'About Nipper and honestly it was wonderful, so easy to manoeuvre and very light too. I was able to push it across uneven surfaces so easily, and it made light work of the farm track. No dragging or pulling backwards, the pushchair just handles any surface with ease. In fact, pushing it along a flat road was super easy, I can see why they are so popular with runners.

Nipper Single in Tenby
Our Nipper Single pushchair navigating the streets of Tenby.

After pushing my friend's Out'n'About Nipper, I decided it was time to get one of these elusive pushchairs. They are literally the best-kept secret out there. They don't seem to be advertised yet every countryside dwelling parent in the know has one.

Air filled tyres & so easy to push

The Out'n'About comes in various colours; we chose blue and it has a small storage basket underneath as well as a number of nifty pockets for snacks, drinks, phones and so on.

The tyres are air filled and most people seem to use the tyre slime to protect them from any punctures from thorns and stones. We haven't done this though and have never had any puncture issues.

Easy walk in the beach with the Nipper Single

Since having our Out'n'About Nipper, we have taken it everywhere with us. It's perfect for pushing across fields, bridle paths, farm tracks and beaches. It's big enough to contain an older toddler and is cool and comfortable enough for them to be happy to sit in it beyond the baby years.

Out n About features & benefits

  • 3 wheel pushchair
  • pneumatic/air filled tyres making it easy to push over all terrain
  • Front swivel wheel
  • Adjustable handle so suitable for various heights
  • Lots of little pockets for storing drinks, phone etc
  • Small basket with toggle to fasten so things stay put
  • Various accessories available – cosy toes, liners etc
  • Really light and easy to travel with
  • Also available as a double pushchair
  • Suitable from birth when used with the carrycot feature

Do you have a “must have” product for life in the country with little ones? I’d love to hear if you do. (links below) I think the best way you learn about these secret wonder products is via word of mouth and recommendation isn’t it?

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